Grand Canyon Split Oak Ventless Log Set

Grand Canyon Gas Logs

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If you are looking for the most heat possible from a gas log set, while not sacrificing anything in the style, look no further than the Grand Canyon Split Oak Ventless Gas Log Set! Grand Canyon Gas Logs have industry-leading detail on their logs, because they search the Arizona wilderness in search of the best logs to create from. This ensures that each and every log is one of a kind!

The Grand Canyon Split Oak Ventless Gas Log Set features a burner that burns at maximum efficiency, meaning it eliminates the need for a chimney , and all of the heat goes back into your home! If you are ready for relaxing evenings around a warm fire, you are ready for the Grand Canyon Split Oak Ventless Gas Log Set!


  • Three sizes available
  • High and low settings up to 37,000 BTUs
  • Available in Natural Gas or Propane


  • Venting Type: Ventless
  • Log Set Width: 18" | 24" | 30"
  • Location: Indoor
  • Fuel Type: Propane | Natural Gas
  • Ignition: Electronic | Manual | Millivolt
  • Certification: ANSI Certified